Monday, June 15, 2015

Deathwing and Librarians WIP Update

In making of my new Company Veteran Squads I needed to dismantle my Deathwing Venerable Dreadnought Jophiel's custom made Plasma Cannon. It was the old metal plasma cannon, and one of the first conversions I ever did. Yet one of the squads needed a Plasma Cannon, and I had the rest of the bitz left in my bitz box.

Let this be a lesson to never throw any bitz part away no matter how insignificant it may seem.

So I put in a Forge World order with a friend a while back, as in a couple of months ago, and in that order I got some new Contemptor Dreadnought weapons. I also got a Dreadnought Plasma Cannon. So with that here is Jophiel with his new Plasma Cannon!

Also in the back I am was working on my three new Librarians for my Angels of Vengeance army. I got a lot of bitz in the deal with my old roommate, so these are all kit bashed! 

Ok well not the legs on Asteroth. Those are Death Company legs and I bought them because I needed them. Also not their backpacks because I bought them special so they would fit in and stand out better. So bitz bashed? 

Anyways I finished them up in about 5 hours after finishing up the Plasma Cannon. I took breaks to do real life stuff like laundry while painting. Here are the three newest Librarians to my Angels of Vengeance army. From left to right Hebron, Zamiel, and Asteroth!

I also had a couple of Watchers in the Dark I had yet to paint so I painted them up while I did the Librarians.

I hope to be able to meet the challenge I set for myself in one of my last posts. I am so far a week behind, but that is alright because I have some stuff in my daily life that is more pressing, like family and school. So I hope to at the very least have some progress every week. Let's hope that happens! I'll keep you updated!

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