Now equipment wise they are just a glorified Tactical Squad. The Sergeant only has a power weapon and melta bombs, there is a plasma cannon, a flamer, and a plasma gun. That is all this squad has for equipment.
The bases they are standing on, which I am quite happy with, are 32mm Urban Rubble bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures.
The Bionic Legs were from Anvil Industry, and I got the 3 pack. They have a decent selection of bionic bitz even for Imperial Guardsmen. If that is something you are going for.
Here is the squad in all of its glory!
For Sergeant Valeris I took the power sword from the Deathwing Termainator kit and gave it to him. This is the Assault on Black Reach Tactical Sergeant model. I really do like how versatile this model is when converting. Simple changes end up giving his model a lot more personality.
The Space Marine on the left has a Sternguard Bolter from the Raven Guard Upgrade kit from Forge World. While the one on the right has a pair of bionic legs.
Complete kit/bitz bash here. This is the Plasma Cannon I salvaged from my Deathwing Dreadnought, and put back together. You have to look very close to even tell the plasma cannon was cut off. I am not sure if this model is even available anymore. He also has a pair of the bionic legs.
The Marine on the right has a 2nd Edition Bolter. I have a better shot of it below. I am almost out of all of my 2nd Edition bitz, yet I feel it fits into this squad and the Angels of Vengeance quite well.
The Marine on the right has the third pair of bionic legs. I also really like his pose and stance. Plus a detail shot of his auspex.
Again I really like the bases for these models. I feel that 32mm bases for Space Marines are fitting and amazing. It really makes them look, and feel, more massive than a Guardsman or other model that would be on a 25mm base.
For now this squad is table top ready. I do not feel like I will be painting over them any time soon. I might go back and touch up some things once I give them a fresh look over. I hope to have either Company Veteran Squad Exalta or my Storm Eagle painted for the next update.