Alright so I've been playing games off and on while midterms were going on. Thankfully midterms are over, yet with only two weeks of class left, and then finals, I've been focused on school a lot more than normal.
Yet I'm preparing for the Christmas Break (a month to do what I want =D ) and planning on getting a lot of my armies accomplished. Depending on what life and family throw my way.
While I've been playing games off and on I've just been trying out armies at different point values and just taking what I feel would be fun to play. One of those armies has been my Deathwing. I haven't gotten a lot of progress done on them. Up to this post it was just one squad painted. Yet no more! I've gotten a few more things painted up.
So seeing as how I wanted to change up from painting tanks, and wasn't feeling painting up a lot of Guardsmen, I decided to paint up my Deathwing. Variety keeps your painting skills sharp and I'm aiming for that. So because of this I was able to get my Librarian and Chaplain for my Deathwing painted up. The Chaplain has been proving his own when I do put him on the field. Also my Librarian has been proving himself a lot more in recent games due to the boost to psykers 6th Edition.
Now I'm painting the Deathwing as the Codex has them, with a few tweaks, and so far they are looking great. I'm eagerly awaiting the 6th Edition Dark Angels Codex, but until then I'll just have fun painting them up.
Also in preparation for having a lot of free time and not a lot of money I bought a bunch of stuff that I've been keeping myself from buying just due to not having the time to focus on them. Mainly I have a few projects I want to get done that I have been thinking about for awhile and now I've found a way to make it happen.
The first was to get my Imperial Guard special weapons troopers a flamer option that was magnetized. I just ran out of magnets. So I went out and bought a bunch of them so that I can finish this project and others.
The second is I want to convert a couple of my Chimeras into Hydra Flax Tanks. I just needed to hunt down the measurements for what plasticard tubing to buy and I'm hoping this won't be too challenging.
The third is to convert up all the weapon options for my Belial model. This should be very straight forward.
So with all that said and done I am awaiting the arrival of magnets, plasticard tubing, and some bitz. So hopefully this will give me something to do during the break. Other than play a lot of 40k of course.
Pictures of my Deathwing and Angels of Vengeance armies will come when I'm not so busy with school.
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