Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Progress

Alright so I'm taking a large break from painting right now because I've been painting for 6 hours more or less straight. Yet the results are worth it.

I was able to get a squad of thunder hammer and storm shield Terminators painted for my Deathwing. As well as 6 objective markers for my Deathwing are now painted. I've also gotten my Angels of Vengeance 6 objective markers base coated. I might finish them later tonight, yet I'm not sure.

So that leaves just 5 more squads, Command Squad, Ravenwing Bike squad, 2 Dreadnoughts, and a Landraider left to paint for my Deathwing.

So far it's taking me about 2 - 3 hours to paint a squad of Terminators. So if I am able to keep this up I could have just a handful left of this army to paint come the Christmas break.

I'll have pictures up soon since I'm wanting to show some of these guys off.

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