Thursday, September 20, 2012

Imperial Guard Progress

So a while ago I bought a couple of Leman Russ Demolisher tanks. Well I finally got around to building the second one. This one proved to be a bit more difficult to build. I'm not sure why, yet it just seemed like a pain to magnetize this one. However I suffered through and got the model assembled, magnets and all, with no gaps and no cut fingers. I will gladly have to thank Zip Kicker for helping speed along the magnetizing process.

In other news I got my box of the Limited Edition Dark Vengeance set. I'm happy that I was able to get it, and will be assembling it in due course. My Angles of Vengeance, Death Guard, and Deathwing just got a boots with these new models.

Also with the "hinted" release of the new Chaos Codex coming soon-ish I'm looking forward to seeing these changes.

With painting I'm finding it difficult to paint through a whole army at once so I'm going to try staggering what I paint by painting a couple of armies side by side and see how that works. Also I do plan on getting pictures of my Angels of Vengeance army up hopefully by the end of October if not sooner. School is in full swing and that rightfully demands my full attention. So hopefully pics soon!

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