Saturday, May 31, 2014

Raven Guard Storm Eagle Complete!

So in keeping up with the trade with my roommate I finished another model of his that needed painting. This one was one of his two Storm Eagles/Ravens. Here are the pics of the fully painted model below. Enjoy!

I'm happy with the finished product. I wish I could have flushed the white out better, but my roommate is happy with it and that is good enough for me.
EDIT: Something I forgot to add is that the doors on the front and side ramps are the Forge World Raven Guard Rhino doors. The Missile Pods on the wings are from a Polish alternate resin model seller 
Also the whole thing is magnetized. The Crusade Pattern Bolters come off (as shown), the top mounted gun is now chin mounted and can be removed as well as have the weapon swapped out, the Vengeance Launchers, and the tail. All of this is magnetized, by my roommate, mainly for storage and transport.

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