Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Chapter's Ancients WIP

Recently I came into possession of three new dreadnoughts for my Angels of Vengeance army. This brings my total of dreadnoughts up to five. However it took me awhile to be able to get to painting them. Yet now that wait has come to an end... kinda. Over the past week I've been working on these guys bit by bit, and I am now finally at a place of near completion.

The way that I prefer to have my dreadnoughts equipped is with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer, or with a Multi-Melta and Heavy Flamer. This just depends on the role I want them to play on the battlefield. This should explain the copy spam of how the dreadnoughts are currently armed. I say currently because I have plans to turn two of them into Mark V Mortis Pattern Dreadnoughts with two Twin-Linked Autocannons. The rules for which can be found in "Imperial Armour Volume Two: Second Edition War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes". Basically 145 point Anti-Air units if they stay still. I honestly just need the arms with the correct weapons to make this a reality. I'm saving up for a large Forge World purchase at some point before the end of the year. With that I should get a lot of new options and toys =D.

After the three new dreadnoughts were on my work desk I wanted them to all match as much as possible. However the first two (the two dreadnoughts on the right) I've had assembled and painted for 16 years, so all that was needed was a few added bitz and some touch-ups.

Here is my oldest Dreadnought Poe. For him all I did was fix up some painting errors I had made since this is one of the first models I have ever painted. The Crux Terminatus on is front was painted grey and washed with black ink, the searchlight was repainted blue, and I painted the gold trim on his sarcophagus. 

This is Zepher. First real heavy conversion I ever did. He is on an old Forge World base and still needs some plastic tubing connected back to his right leg (OOPS!). I fixed up his paint job a little bit and added the shield and purity seal on his front near the Assault Cannon.  

Leonoas is one of the newest additions to my army. For him I needed to buy the leg plate bitz. He was already primed black so all I had to do was simply add bitz I wanted him to have and paint him accordingly. The bitz I added were the shield and purity seal on his front. 

Augavan was done in the same style as Leonoas. The reason I needed to buy the leg plate bitz was that my roommate had used his on his Terminator Sergeants. Which worked out well since it helps to make them look more like they belong in my army.

Quintus is the only dreadnought in this army to be armed differently. He has a Multi-Melta and Storm Bolter. The reason for that is this is an Assault on Black Reach dreadnought and honestly I didn't want to deal with getting new weapon options for him. Especially the storm bolter since I didn't want to deal with that much hacking and slashing. However this adds some diversity to the dreadnoughts of the army, and gives me a danger close drop pod-ing tank killer =D. He didn't come on a dreadnought base so I had to make him a custom base. Which is awesome and hopefully should be ready to paint sometime later tonight / tomorrow when it is completely done drying. Also this is one of the first models my roommate has ever painted. So all I did was add on the searchlight and smoke launchers. Mainly for I want him to see how good it can look on the table top and to try his hand once again at painting.

Another main difference from the three new dreadnoughts to my two oldest ones is that they have their bases magnetized. Right where the leg joint joins in with the foot of there is a magnet, and on the underside of the base there is another magnet. So the dreadnought is still one solid model. Yet for transport and other game purposes the base can be removed from the dreadnought. Which is something I'm debating doing to my two older dreadnoughts if I can get the bonds to break. 

As you can see most of the work is done. The only real thing left is Quintus' base, and I'll post pics of that when it is painted. Hope you all enjoyed!

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