Monday, February 10, 2014

IC Hobby Progress Challenge 2014

So I have taken the plunge into getting my Deathwing fully painted up. Below are my lists for my commitment for The Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge for 2014.

The Lists

Part One (FOC Zone Mortalis Attacker)

Belial - 190
w/ Thunderhammer & Storm Shield

Dreadnought - 145
w/ Heavy Flamer, Extra Armour, & Venerable

Dreadnought - 155
w/ Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Extra Armour, & Venerable


Deathwing Terminator Squad - 245
w/ Chain Fist & Assault Cannon

Deathwing Terminator Squad - 270
w/ Thunderhammer and Stormshield (x5) & Cyclone Missile Launcher

Total = 1005 points

Part Two (Standard FOC)


Deathwing Terminator Squad - 245
w/ Chain Fist & Assault Cannon

Deathwing Terminator Squad - 245
w/ Chain Fist & Assault Cannon

Deathwing Terminator Squad - 245
w/ Chain Fist & Assault Cannon

Land Raider Crusader - 265
w/ Dozer Blade & Extra Armour

Total = 1000 points

Overall Total = 2005 points

Here is my picture of proof for my first unit.

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