Monday, February 24, 2014

Hobby Progress Update!

Short post here seeing as how I need to get to bed.

I've completed painting my Belial model for the IC Hobby Progress Challenge.

Two Stormeagles and Two Stormtalons have been primed.

Three Cyclone Missile Launchers for Contemptor Dreadnoughts and the third Contemptor Dreadnought have also been primed.

Additions of another squad of Deathwing Terminators w/ a heavy flamer have been purchased and built as much as possible until bitz arrive in the mail.

3 More HQ units for my Deathwing have bitz en-route. Another Interrogator Chaplian, Librarian w/ Force Sword, and a Company Master with chapter relics.

Also working on a Vogen campaign with my roommate.

As well as I've updated and created about 8 new missions for games of 40K.

Here are my updated pictures of my Belial model. Finishing the base is to follow.

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