Sunday, September 2, 2012

Deamon Princes Complete

So finally my Deamon Princes are painted. All that is left is to seal them. I would have done it earlier this weekend, but it was pretty hot outside and I didn't want to destroy the work I have done. All because it was too hot / humid.

Yet with both of my Deamon Princes painted I'm narrowing down to what is left of my Death Guard army and it's very little. What is left is 7 Plague Bearers, 1 Herald of Nurgle, and 3 Objective Markers. I hope to get them done pretty quickly because I want to start modeling my I.G. and Eldar. As well as start to paint my Deathwing.

However I have been saying for awhile now that I would put up pictures. So I have found a way to take some. They are not the best quality, yet I'm working on it.

So here are some pics of the Winged Deamon Prince.

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