For my Angels of Vengeance army I was able to base and prime the second Sternguard Squad as well as the second Command Squad. I was able to figure out how to make the Company Champion work as it should. I also was able to make a custom Storm Shield for one of my oldest models. He is now a Captain with all the right war gear. Now all that is left is to assemble the third Drop Pod and the army should be done. I also gave this army the Land Raider since my Deathwing wouldn't be using it.
As for my Deathwing I was able to get a lot done. I was able to rip off all the arms of the models that will be getting Lightning Claws. I was also able to find shoulder pads for all of them which is amazing. I am giving the Deathwing the squad of bikes since my Angels of Vengeance army will not be using them. The Sergeant of the biker squad now has a Power Fist. I'm just waiting on the two Close Combat Terminator Squads and magnets to show up. Then I can get to work converting them.
The Imperial Guard got a new addition to the army. The old Hellhound (that I never used) has been converted into a Chimera. I didn't have a Multi Laser otherwise the Heavy Flamer on the turret would have been replaced. Also the Basilisk got it's ladder and railing fixed. Yet the conversion for making it into a Medusa might not be done since it might not be required.
My Tau army is nearly completely done. I have nothing left to assemble. Only models to paint and/or base. Hopefully I'll be able to get that done soon.
It would be really nice to have both my Tau and Angels of Vengeance armies completely modeled and painted. Soon I might have nothing left to model but a ton of stuff to paint.
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