Friday, November 30, 2012

Angels of Vengeance Command Squads

No army is complete without some Command Squads. I wanted to make them have one for each Captain that my army had. That became unnecessary so I stopped at two. So here they are.

 Command Squad of Captain Artemius

Command Squad of Captain Greyston

Angels Of Vengeance Photos!

Well I have been saying that I wanted to get photos up for a bit now. Well I just got done taking as many pictures as I could of my Angels Of Vengeance army. There is a unique structure to my 5th Company, yet I'll explain that later. Yet so far I feel I'm about a third or half of the way through the army. So here I give you my Angels of Vengeance Space Marines army, fifteen years in the making.

Chapter Master Vander

Chapter Master Charon

Captain Greyston

Captain Mandeus

Captain Artemius

Librarian Valdius

Librarian Palchis

Chaplain Lexius

Chaplain Caleb

Master of the Forge Xephyron