Saturday, September 17, 2011

Planning Station

Alright so it's been a bit since I've posted. I've gotten a lot accomplished in what I would like in my armies. As for getting models painted that's another story entirely. However I've gotten a lot of games in so that has helped to shape my mind and opinion of what I have, what I want, and what will make my armies effective.

With my Imperial Guard I've gotten them working the way I would like them to be, kinda. I know I want a foot slogger list. However the Valkyries will now need to be Vendettas. I just need the long range anti tank power. Even if it does come on after turn one. Yet I've gotten a list put together that I feel will kick ass. I get to test it on Thursday so that will be awesome. I really hope it works out. However I will need to get a Lord Commisar Model for the army. Not a big deal, but it is a Finecast model. I hope that won't suck too badly. Yet for the alternate list I have running I would need 3 Leman Russ Demolishers. That's a lot of money I don't have at the moment. Yet if I ever get the chance I will try it out.

I finally got my Nurgle army up and running. Spent a night building two rhinos up to get it going, but it was worth it. Yet it does have it's vulnerabilities. It lacks long range fire power of any kind. However with a little insight I feel I have it figured out. I'm going to drop a Deamon Prince and the Dreadnought from the list. With those points I'm going to add a Vindicator and a team of two Obliterators. I was going to get another Defiler, but the model is more expensive then the Vindicator and I have nowhere to store it. However if I get the Vindicator (which is cheaper) I do have a place to store it. Also it give my opponent two targets to focus their anti tank on for the first couple of turns. So I hope that investment will be worthwhile. Yet when I can afford to get those models is anyone's guess. School has me pretty busy.

I know what I need to do for my Deathwing. It hasn't changed on what I need, but how it will be distributed around the army has. I hope that it works out well. When I get the chance, and the money, this will be my next army I upgrade.

I have everything I need for the Tau. I just need to do a conversion of a squad, and paint up the bitz needed. However school is sucking my motivation away from doing this, as well as my time. Only a few things to paint and the army will be complete.

As I look at all of this I keep thinking of my Eldar. I fear that 6th Edition will be out by the time they ever see the table. Hopefully by then I won't have to redo the whole army, but I doubt that. Yet only time will tell.

Pictures are a ways off since I don't have the time, equipment, or materials needed to make the photo box I need. All in due time.

I will update again when time permits.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Valkyrie Finished!

As the title says the Valkyrie is finished. It took longer then I wanted, and I learned a lot about how to care for brushes, and how to get a complex model like this one together. Needless to say I'm not planning on doing another Valkyrie or anything of it's complexity any time soon.

Yet now my Imperial Guard army is now playable! So that is good. I have started playing games again. With the experience of these games I am finding out which units are working, and which aren't. So I might make some changes to the I.G. as I play them.

As for my Deathwing I am in need of two close combat squads. Which kinda sucks seeing as how that is $100 that I don't have at the moment. I'll have to get into school and see how money is before I go out there and get them. Plus I want to just buy some shoulder pad bits and magnets to make 4 close combat squads. Just take 2 of the assault cannon squads I have and turn them into whatever close combat team I want them to be.
Also my bitz for making the Deathwing Command Squad are in. So I'm happy about that. Yet as I look at all I have to do with this army to make it playable it seems more and more likely that I'll have to put it off for other armies that I don't need to buy things for.

As for the Bike Squad I have mentioned earlier I am in talks with a buddy to get some more bikes and an attack bike. Yet seeing as how bikes don't work as I would like them to in my Vanilla Marine army I'm going to add them to the Deathwing. It just seems fitting, and helps to flush them out a bit.

Yet I did buy another army transport motor pool. I'll still need another, but this one I gave to my Nurgle army since it was already complete and just needed a better means of transport. However I did realize that I need another 2 1/2 in. foam block for the Deathwing so I'll have to add that to the total cost of everything I need for the army and see how things go.

As for my Tau I did go through all of my old models. I did find a few things that I can change up a bit, and found enough Crisis Suits for another team and a 2nd Commander. so that will be nice. It isn't a lot of work to convert the suits into a workable team, but I am also planning on converting my twin linked plasma rifle team into a Fireknife (missile pod and plasma rifle) team. So I could have three suit teams and a hell of a lot of fire power. Yet I will need to get something to hold them in. Yet I think I might have found a solution I just need to try it out.

The Eldar are going to be put even farther off. I do not have anything to transport them in, plus they need to be built. That is just a project that is too far off for me to even want to think about it. Yet I am looking forward to the day that I am able to get them started. Hopefully their codex will be re-done by then and I won't need to buy anything else for them. I can hope right?

Yet seeing all the stuff I have to do I don't think I will be getting another army. In fact I might sell one or more off possibly. Yet that is to be seen. However I do know I will need a 4th Drop Pod. So I'll see what I can do about that.

I'm planning on taking pictures when I can. Yet I still need to set up the photo station for that which is another expense I just haven't figured out yet.

I'll post again when I get the chance.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

40K Update

Well I'm all moved into the new place. Everything is going smoothly. School sucked up a lot of my time so I wasn't able to get much done at all. However now I'm done with school for a few weeks so I have a lot of time to catch up on the 40k hobby.

So I finally got done painting my Sternguard Squad. I don't think I'll make another squad that is that detailed. I'm happy with how they came out though.

I've also started work on my IG army so that I don't burn out just painting marines. I think I might start up priming and painting my Deathwing as well. Just work on all three armies at a time so that I can swap to IG when I get bored of painting marines. In truth there is not much left for my Angels of Vengeance army. A few units and a drop pod and it will be done.

I've also been looking at my Tau army again. Working on fixing up a few battlesuits I have that are in pretty bad shape. Also thinking of retooling how the squads I have are equipped. Yet I think I will just keep them as they are and make the rebuilt squad into the modular one. However this is just a project and I may not be able to do it.

With the Tau being brought back into the mix I've taken another look at my Eldar army. I think that I might just keep them as I have planned. Yet for the Eldar that will be a project almost, if not bigger, than the IG.

With all of this said I have a lot to get done. I hope I can put a big dent in it during this break.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Angels of Vengeance Update

It's been a bit since I have last updated. I have had life hit me pretty hard with some things. Yet I now have a better hold on things, and things are improving. So this has left me some time to catch up on some projects I have had on the side.

First off I have magnetized my Tactical Squad Assault Weapon troops for Tactical Squads 1 - 5. It was a bit of a challenge, yet overall it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Just a little time consuming. However I was able to fix up some paint work on these models, get some things to look a little better, and fix up some painting blunders I made from my earlier hobby days. Seeing as how some of the models date back 10 years or more.
So now Tactical Squads 1 - 5 have every option I want them to have. I still do not have plasma pistols for the Tactical Sergeants or one of every heavy weapon for the squads. Yet that is expensive, not really needed, and it doesn't fit my style of play. I might at some time in the future take care of this. However for now I'm very content and happy with these squads.

Secondly I have the first 5 fully painted Tactical Squads. Every option is painted. Every model is based. I feel like even though I'm chipping away slowly at these things I am still making progress.

Now my three really big painting projects are my Techmarine with conversion beamer, a 6 man bike squad, and my second command squad.
The modeling projects have are that I still need to model up 5 more Sternguard models with combi-weapons. I have everything I need I just need to do it. I also need to get the 6th Tactical Squad built up and magnetized. Also I have one last Drop Pod to build up that is still mint in its box. Also I need to order more magnets for the backpack swap for my two Assault Marine Squads. After this I think I am through with this army for now.

More updates to follow soon. Yet I am moving into a new place in the near future. So when everything is all said and done I feel that things will be much easier so long as school doesn't suck up too much of my time.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Long Overdue

Alright here is a long overdue update on what all has been happening with my armies.

Angels of Vengeance

The old school metal Land Speeder I was talking about a few posts ago is done! Painted and all! I was able to get the bitz I needed and magnetized all of it's weapon options.

The Bike Squad I mentioned is still getting painted. I have just moved onto other projects that seem more demanding that this one. However it will be getting done at some point. I'm just unsure of when that will be for I do not enjoy painting that squad yet. Once I get into that feeling I'm sure that they will get painted quickly. Even if I need to force myself to do it just to get them off of my shelf!

My Assault Marine Sergeants now have a Storm Shield and Power Fist on them. Power Weapons just were not cutting it, and now their save is an invulnerable. So the hope is that they will live just a little longer when they get to combat.
Also I am magnetizing all of my 20 Assault Marines to have both Jump Packs and Backpacks. This way if I ever wanted to put them in a Drop Pod, Rhino, etc. I will be able to.

I also added another Rhino to the Chapter for a total of three. When I get around to doing the third Drop Pod that will mean that I could have 6 transport vehicles total which can be nasty.

Speaking of Nasty I have finished my Vanguard Squad. They are all armed with power weapons and the Sergeant has a pair of Lightning Claws. I'm thinking of using the Maces that came with the Dark Angels Upgrade sprue as Thunder Hammers in game. I think that would give the unit a bit more punch.

The Chapter's Techmarine has received an update and upgrade. He now has a Conversion Beamer. I'm still trying to figure out how to model a Servo Harness. Yet that will come in time.

I also have half of my Sternguard Squad modeled and primed. I need to get a few more combi weapons made up before the squad will be complete. I want to paint it all at once for I learned with the Vanguard Squad painting the robes is a pain, yet worth it.

The Tactical Squads have all undergone a bit of an overhaul. Each Sergeant has undergone magnetization for weapon swapping. Each one now has a power weapon, power fist, bolt pistol, storm bolter, combi-melta/flamer, or combi-plasma. I was lucky enough to have 6 of the old hand flamers, hence the melta OR flamer option combi-bolter. Also each squad's Sergeant has an Icon on his backpack. Yet this is mainly to have something to grab him with.

Also I now have Five functioning Tactical Squads. I'm awaiting a few bitz to come in. When they do I will begin work on magnetizing all of my Tactical Squads Assault Weapon Marines. This way I will have one model that can swap between a flamer, melta gun, or plasma gun rather than have three models with one of each. This way I will have enough spare marines to make up another Tactical Squad! This will give me a total of six!

However with Tactical Squads there is a bit of an issue. See I wasn't able to get a couple of plasma cannons easily or cheaply. So I made the compromise to have the 5th and 6th Tactical Squads have Missile Launchers instead of Plasma Cannons. Yet I ran into a bit of a problem. Mainly I didn't have a spare missile launcher for the 6th Tactical Squad. With some creative thinking, and looking through my bitz boxes, I managed to find a solution. I ripped off the Space Marine missile launcher from one of my scout squads. I then replaced it with one from my Imperial Guard. This was a double bonus. Not only would my scout squads look different now, but I would get my Tactical Squad to look right.

I still have a lot of work to do on this army. Yet I'm trying to finish my Angles of Vengeance army first. There is just a lot of stuff to paint, not much left to build, and very little left to buy. All of which are good things!

Imperial Guard

I now have everything I need for this army built. Well mostly the 2nd Valkyrie needs to be primed, painted, and put together. Yet that is really the only thing. I'm looking at getting a white paint pen so I can put the squad markings on them more easily. I would like to do it by painting them, yet it just gets too time consuming too quickly.

Death Guard

I have had a few things happen with this army. First I went back through the codex and reworked how some of my squads worked. I no longer have a possessed squad since they suck in the new codex. I ripped off the old metal gargoyle wings and put on some Chaos backpacks I ordered. Than I gave them all bolters that are attached to the left leg. It looks a little funny, but it works. That is all that really matters to me.

With the conversion work done I mixed up the squads a bit and now have five Plague Marine squads. Three of them have a Champion with a Power Sword and two plasma guns in the squad. The other two have a Champion with a Power Fist and two melta guns in the squad. I still need to get two more Rhinos for this army for it to work the way I would like. Yet I'm not in any hurry. I'll wait until I can get a good deal for them on eBay or something. This army I'm not in any hurry to get completed quickly.


I have everything I need to start painting this army. Yet I do want to go back through and flush the list out a bit more to where I like it better. I also need to get some chain fists into the squads I do have already. I want to have 6 squads of terminators, yet that might become 7 or 8. Depending on if I turn one of them into a command squad. I haven't decided yet. Also it's becoming a pain to get the Librarian model that I want right now. So once that is ordered I'll take a harder look at the army and decide what I want to do with it.


Nothing has changed with the Eldar. I haven't even taken them out of their boxes. However I have a feeling that by the time I do we will be in 6th Edition and they will have a new codex. So for now they are shelved.


I haven't done anything with this army either. I do not like the current codex that much and I'm thinking of starting over on a few units. I want to redo the Crisis Suits I have. Mainly for I want to magnetize all the weapon options. Yet this was my first army and I glued everything together. So that could prove troublesome. However with the codex not being to my liking and a revision with new models on the way I'm shelving the army until I come to a decision that feels more like firmer ground than jell-o. This is my first army after all so I want to do it right if I am.

As for painting I feel I've gotten better at it. I'm not a professional by any means. Yet the table top standard I have for myself is really working. I have an idea of what I would like to do when I can get a proper work station going, yet that is in the future and hopefully that situation will figure itself out soon

As for pictures of the armies I still have yet to get that done. That will have to wait until I get a proper living situation going. Sorry just life has been demanding as of late. Once things settle down, if they ever do, I will be getting pictures up. Yet I'm sure I'll get pictures up here one way or another. Regardless of how long that takes.