Sunday, November 21, 2010

Painting up a storm

Well I've been a bit busy with some issues I have had to take care of. They have taken time away from being able to focus on my hobby.
Yet I have been able to get a few things done so far so that I am happy about.

First I was able to get my 2nd Drop Pod assembled and painted. Second I was able to get my Chapter Masters painted up. Third I was also able to get both my Librarians armor colored blue.

After playing a few games and realizing that my dice were on forfeit until these models were painted correctly. I decided it was time to paint them up and see if it was the paint that was needed. Or new dice. I don't know yet. I'll have to get back to you.

Once I get my photo capture built I will be able to take high quality pictures. If life keeps deciding to get in the way that could be awhile. Yet things will happen as they are suppose to.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Company Banner

Ok so I did my first free hand painting the other day. Honestly from what you see in the codex and at the Golden Daemons this is crap. However this is my first attempt and I am proud of what I have done. I didn't think I was capable of doing this, and now I have proven myself wrong. I am just wondering what I will free hand paint next.

Land Speeder Update II

Alright so I have put back together the 2nd Edition Land Speeder. This thing was a pain. I will be needing to use a lot of green stuff. Some of the parts barely fit together anymore. It wasn't in good shape when I got it and I can see why after doing what I did.

However now the fun part begins. In a few days when the spare parts for it show up I will be able to modify it the way I want. Hopefully things will be awesome with it just like I envision. Yet that will be tested soon.

I'll take pictures once I'm able to get my camera backed up and charged. More to come.

Land Speeder Update

Alright so after soaking for 24 hours in Simple Green my 2nd Edition Land Speeder is out, stripped of 99% of it's paint and glue, and completely disassembled. I can tell right now that this model is going to be a pain to put back together. However I am going to love this model for what it is.

Currently it is just sitting and drying out completely after the "traumatic" experience it has just gone though. This model is 16 years old and I think it has barely been used. So I hope that when I get it all put back together, converted with new weapon options, a new flying stand, and a shiny new paint job that it will serve me well on the battlefield.

I'll do what I can to post pictures of what it looks like un-assembled.

Lots of projects going right now. Excited about this. I will just keeping going at it until I hit the strike where the iron isn't hot anymore.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Progress

Ok so I finally got my squad of Bikers primed and ready for painting. Bought them off of eBay over 3 years ago and just now am getting them done. It feels good to have to prime things before painting them now.

I also got the first of 3 Drop Pods put together and primed. I learned a lot in putting together the first one. So the next two will be even better. One of my favorite models so far. Just a pain to assemble until you figure out what you are doing.
I like that the Deathwind Launcher can be used for other things in conversions. I very much might use that on some of my vehicles later.

I also am stripping the paint from a 2nd Edition metal Land Speeder. Going to convert a lot of weapons to trick this vehicle out. I'm really digging this project I have here. It's going to be good.

More to update later. Hopefully with pictures.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Moving in...

Still getting oriented to my new place. Have to get some new furniture, desks, and lights. Yet once everything is set up I will (hopefully) be updating more often. As long as life allows me to do so. Check back soon for updates!

Nurgle Dread

Here are some pics of my Nurgle Dreadnought.

New Blog

New blog is up. Working on getting it running. No clue when that will be. Hopefully soon. Check this space.