Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Land Speeder Update

Alright so after soaking for 24 hours in Simple Green my 2nd Edition Land Speeder is out, stripped of 99% of it's paint and glue, and completely disassembled. I can tell right now that this model is going to be a pain to put back together. However I am going to love this model for what it is.

Currently it is just sitting and drying out completely after the "traumatic" experience it has just gone though. This model is 16 years old and I think it has barely been used. So I hope that when I get it all put back together, converted with new weapon options, a new flying stand, and a shiny new paint job that it will serve me well on the battlefield.

I'll do what I can to post pictures of what it looks like un-assembled.

Lots of projects going right now. Excited about this. I will just keeping going at it until I hit the strike where the iron isn't hot anymore.

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