Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Progress

Ok so I finally got my squad of Bikers primed and ready for painting. Bought them off of eBay over 3 years ago and just now am getting them done. It feels good to have to prime things before painting them now.

I also got the first of 3 Drop Pods put together and primed. I learned a lot in putting together the first one. So the next two will be even better. One of my favorite models so far. Just a pain to assemble until you figure out what you are doing.
I like that the Deathwind Launcher can be used for other things in conversions. I very much might use that on some of my vehicles later.

I also am stripping the paint from a 2nd Edition metal Land Speeder. Going to convert a lot of weapons to trick this vehicle out. I'm really digging this project I have here. It's going to be good.

More to update later. Hopefully with pictures.

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