Sunday, November 21, 2010

Painting up a storm

Well I've been a bit busy with some issues I have had to take care of. They have taken time away from being able to focus on my hobby.
Yet I have been able to get a few things done so far so that I am happy about.

First I was able to get my 2nd Drop Pod assembled and painted. Second I was able to get my Chapter Masters painted up. Third I was also able to get both my Librarians armor colored blue.

After playing a few games and realizing that my dice were on forfeit until these models were painted correctly. I decided it was time to paint them up and see if it was the paint that was needed. Or new dice. I don't know yet. I'll have to get back to you.

Once I get my photo capture built I will be able to take high quality pictures. If life keeps deciding to get in the way that could be awhile. Yet things will happen as they are suppose to.

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