A new forge world, Sagramon, was being established near the ghoul stars and had suddenly stopped all astropathic communication. A Mechanicum ship is sent to investigate. All that is heard back from them is their call for help, and screams of pain the morph into scrap code. Needing specialist help a distress call was sent out across that quadrant of the galaxy. The new forge world was to be building Imperial Knights for the newly established House Ordana, and those could not fall into the hands of the Great Enemy. A strike force of elements of the Imperial Navy, the 5th Company of the 134th Night Specters with tank and artillery support, a house of Imperial Knights from House Voghan, and the Angles of Vengeance strike cruiser Apostate’s Bane were formed. No mechanicum joined for fear of scrap code contamination after three translators were purged while recovering the distress call of the mechanicum ship.
The Apostate’s Bane was returning from battle and rearming when it received the distress call. Ryedoc was in command as Chaplain Iscador was incapacitated from his injuries suffered while quelling a minor uprising on a nearby world that had just been brought back into the Imperial fold. Coordinating with the other Imperial Leaders Ryedoc took command of the liberation of Sagramon. The Imperial Navy would provide orbital and air superiority and ground support, the 5th company of the 134th Night Specters would capture the outlying airfields, and lay siege to the main factory believed to be manufacturing Imperial Knights. House Voghan would provide support while seeking and destroying any Knights that have turned renegade. Ryedoc and his forces would infiltrate the main foundry and discover the whereabouts of the Magos Ellyn Cotant.
The arrival at Sagramon was quiet except for the scrap code being broadcast on all frequencies. It was odd it was not being sent astropathicly. This gave Rydoc the impression that there were loyalist still alive on Sagramon. The battle plan was unchanged other than to make contact with any remaining loyalist forces and coordinate their attacks to retake Sagramon from whatever blight it had. While the 134th Night Spectors and House Voghan made planetfall, Ryedoc and his Space Marines made their drop pod insertion. Ryedoc lead his team of Vengeful, equipped as breachers with shields and special weapons into the center of the main forge. While two Tactical Squads lead by Slate and Gideon were tasked with shutting off the communications array and the securing the main data cogitator. Devastator Squad Helo guarded the main entrance tasked with securing a landing zone for extraction and to use their missile launchers to destroy any infected mechanicum.
Once landed House Voghan reported that there were only infected mechanicum and no renegade knights. The 134th Night Specters were sieging the main factory finding sparse resistance and noting erratic behavior from the mechanicum forces encountered. The Imperial Fleet in orbit reported zero resistance. As the Angels of Vengeance reported in their status Helo reported a secure extraction point encountering minimal resistance, Gideon reported they had secured the main data cogitator and that it was unaffected by the scrap code, and Slate reported they had shut off the communications array stopping the broadcast of infectious scrap code. With Slate’s mission done the mechanicum forces staggered, stopped, and sent out a signal for restart.
Rydoc then received word over his Vox link from High Magos Ellyn Cotant. She was trapped inside her chambers, yet she had killed the traitor. A young Magos Explorator Davin had come across a warp anomaly and was infected with scrap code from the ship that came through. The ship had crashed on one of Sagramon’s three moons, and Davin was brought back to Sagramon for care when the code took over completely. Infecting the forge with scrap code High Magos Ellyn Cotant activated emergency quarantine procedures. The Imperial Knights of House Ordana were safe. The rest of her forces were infected, and what was left was signaling to be restored.
With the threat over Rydoc let High Magos Ellyn Cotant out of her chambers, using his power fist, and brought her to the communication array. It was there she was able to restore order of her forces. With the crisis over, and order restored Rydoc and the Imperial forces set to leave. Establishing strong ties between Knight houses Ordana and Voghan, the Imperial Guard, and the Angels of Vengeance.
Rydoc carries with him the ancient bolt pistol 'Quietus' and the artisan power fist 'Hand of Retribution'.
Renegade Adepta Sororitas
Martius carries with him the artisan boltgun 'Last Rites' and the artisan power fist 'Fist of Vengeance'.
Chaos Renegades
Venatus carries with him the ancient combi-plasma 'Light of Caliban' and the relic blade 'Wrath of Angels'.
Rebel IG
Wraith carries with him the relic blade 'Malevolence'.
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