Saturday, December 23, 2017

Angels of Vengeance - A Dark Imperium

A Dark Imperium

With the new Dark Angels codex, and the continuation of the lore in 40K has forced me to change the lore I was writing for my Angels of Vengeance. The stories of the past still adorn the Chapter's history. Yet now I am forced to reorganize the army to fit 8th edition. At first with the Indexes I wasn't too happy, yet knowing the Codex was soon to be released (and with life happening) I bided my time and waited. It paid off. I enjoyed the project of reorganizing the Chapter, and it allowed me the chance to do something I had never done. Build full companies of Space Marines.


It is no secret looking at the previous posts that I have A LOT of HQ units. With 8th edition that is not so much a problem was it was in earlier editions. Also, I have no need to create lore for why I have so many HQ models. I find it a bit humorous that the solution I had to explain why is somewhat the reason given to the codex. A Chapter Council. This is where I put any Master I normally do not use in game. 

What I ended up doing:
  • Chapter Command
    • Chapter Council (1 Grand Master & 7 Masters)
  • Chapter Ancient
  • Interrogator-Chaplains (4 in total)
  • Dreadnoughts (5 in total)
  • Venerable Dreadnought (Tetricus)
  • Contemprot Dreadnoughts

3rd Company, 4th Company, 5th Company, & 10th Company

The following changes were made to keep the Chapter Council at a decent number.
  • 2 Masters: One to command, the other to reenforce.
  • 3rd Company & 10th Company have 2 Chaplains. One Interrogator, the other not. A watchful eye on them by the Interrogator-Chaplain. Mainly to help guide them to the truth faster.
The rest follows standard Company Organization. 

As for the reorganization some of the units I have still use Index entries (Sternguard & Vanguard Squads mostly) and fall under the command of the Chapter itself, rather than the 1st Company or their own Company. I have yet to decide if I want to break them up into Company Veteran Squads, as I already have 3. 


With the introduction and revelation of the Cicatrix Maledictum the Angels of Vengeance on the opposite side of it and cut off from the light of the Astronomicon. The Indominus Crusade has also given rise to some direly needed reinforcements. 

The Angels of Vengeance have been tested in extremes to keep back the forces of Chaos and Xenos. Entire Companies have been lost to battle. Only now to be reinforced by Primaris Marines. While not unwelcome, they still need to prove themselves in battle. The day has yet to come where one will find themselves worthy of being inducted into the Inner Circle.


As I reorganized the Chapter I went back over in my mind who the Angels of Vengeance are, and why they shun laurels. I was left with an interesting problem while going through my army again, How do you explain the adornments on the armor of the marines I have? A simple solution presented itself as I sat there working on new models to add to the army. 


It was the only solution I could find that didn't break the lore or have me find an ex machina to go around it. The only reason they have those adornments is because they were earned. This is not to say that other adornments or laurels they could wear haven't been. These were given to them. The Marines that earned them must wear them.

Inventory and Upkeep

As I add new models I've utilized more tools and products at my disposal. I will soon find out if Shapeways is worth it. I ordered some uniques maces, and chapter symbols for shoulder pads and vehicles. Also, I will be applying these to models that could use some upkeep. New company markings will be needed, Chapter symbols added, highlights touched up, and armor joints repainted. Plus anything else I find that could be done.

That is it for now. I'll post more as I have more to write. Thanks.

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