Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hobby Progress - Scout Squads, Company Master, and Deathwing Progress

As always life is getting in the way of my being able to hobby. 12+ hour days and 18 units is a pain, yet if I want to keep hobbying later I need to do this now. So once that is over with hopefully I will be able to update more. Until then sporadic updates.

YAY! /s

This weekend I got bit by the hobby bug hard. I needed to get some stuff done and I needed to ensure I was getting some sort of progress taken care of. I've bought a lot more for my armies and unless it is Forge World I think my collections are complete. I traded and sold my Eldar army for a Necron army. Not only do I like how they play better, yet I will actually be able to paint them. If this turns out to be incorrect I can always just sell them to someone who wants them. For now I will keep them as a future project.

Scout Squads

Going through my bitz I was able to find that I had a couple of scout squads from the scouts that go to the Land Speeder Storms. They do look a bit odd due to how they are posed, but I think I was able to get around that with some creative basing.

Scout Squad Marcian

Scout Squad Andre

Company Master

In a recent trade on r/miniswap I was able to acquire a webstore limited edition Space Marine Sergeant with Power Fist from 2008. I missed my chance at getting one, and with some luck, was able to find one for sale. 

I've recently painted up this model. First time attempting highlighting, and I think it turned out well. After getting some C&C about what I can improve I'll see what I can do before sealing and basing him. This model will now be, yet another, Company Master in my Angels of Vengeance army. Which I can't seem to stop finding things to add to it.


As for the Deathwing my mass troop painting attempt seems to have failed. I do not seem to have the attention or discipline to paint 20 Deathwing Terminators at once. I do, however, have the attention and discipline to paint 10 Deathwing Terminators at once. With only 10 more left to paint before a re-priming of another 10 Deathwing Terminators my infantry force should be mostly complete. I think I will paint one of the new dreadnoughts I got for the army, or the Land Raider Crusader, between these tasks. Mainly so I don't get bored. 

I've also made new and more efficient To - Do lists in Excel for all of my armies. As well as painting guides. As I get the chance I will be hobbying and posting. Until next time.

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