Angels of Vengeance
The chapter is located in the Ultima Segmentum. Normal general duties have them patrol from the Ghoul Stars to the Eastern Fringe looking for pirates and defending from the enemies of the Imperium. Being a fleet based chapter this is relatively easy, as the entire chapters fleet rivals that of most large Imperial Fleets. However, it is rarely all in one place.
Chapter Organization
Following their parent legion the Angels of Vengeance are organized the same way. Yet there are a few differences due to the over zealous nature and unwillingness to retreat no matter the odds. The chapter is always in need of new recruits because of this, and has almost been reduced in numbers being unable to fight on more than one occasion. This has lead to the scout company being larger than most chapters, a large number of Company Veterans, otherwise known unofficially as 'The Vengeful' to the rest of the chapter, who yet to be initiated into the Deathwing, and a large number of Company Masters. This instilled the need for a Council of Company Masters.
Differing from normal organization from both the Dark Angels and the Codex Astartes the Angels of Vengeance have a Council of Company Masters. Since the chapter finds itself with an abundance of seasoned veterans able to lead a full chapter, yet rather than keep them reduced to duties that do not allow them to grow the Council was created. Currently there are twelve Company Masters. The most senior, Company Master Vander, is in command. When decisions are needed that affect the entire Chapter are discussed among the Council. This way the best course of action can be taken, and multiple viewpoints can be expressed. Although Vander does have the final say on what will be done.
While this does cause some tension in the upper ranks it does not strain relations between the Company Masters. There have been several instances where a Company Master has expressed concern over a course of action, and in doing so the needed precautions were taken. When those concerns manifested on the battlefield the foresight of the Council was able to ensure victory with minimal losses, and the concern expressed was given due credit. This has made for an oddly open working relationship between Company Masters not seen in most chapters of Space Marines. Yet the success of this Council of Company Masters cannot be doubted.
Another tradition of the chapter is the replacement of a Space Marine's name with a title they have earned. Either due to an honor won in a great battle, a great skill with a weapon, or other notable event or talent the Marine might have. This is a throwback to a knightly tradition from the old days of Caliban. One example of this is Tactical Veteran Sergeant Phoenix who has been thought dead many times only to rise from the ashes of his enemies.
Chapter Monasteries
The main Chapter Monastery is a Dark Age of Technology Star fortress, the Retribution Citadel, located over the world Vengeance. Being fleet based they do not recruit from just one world, yet from a series of worlds in the Ultima Segmentum which they patrol. Learning from past encounters the Angels of Vengeance have fortified the main worlds, and systems, they recruit from with Chapter Monasteries that would rival other chapters main Chapter Monastery. While other systems they patrol have smaller fortresses.
Recruitment Worlds
The Angels of Vengeance recruitment worlds are Vengeance, Formund, Asylus, & Desperation.
Vengeance is their main recruitment world and boasts several hive cities. Local affairs are left to the Imperial Governor, and appointed houses. Recruitment comes from volunteers who are deemed worthy, and hive gangers who are persuaded to join. Vengeance is unique as it boasts a Chapter Monastery on the planet's surface as well as having the Starfort in orbit. This is a main warp nexus so space travel through this sector is nearly mandatory, as is its strategic value to the Imperium.
Formund is an odd choice for a main recruitment world. Similar to Caliban as it is also a forest death world. It lacks the warp beasts that Caliban had, yet still has formidable monsters. Some of the best leaders and psykers have been recruited from Formund.
Asylus is a Forge World. While under the control of the Mechanicum the local population still is recruited from. In M33 this Forge World came under attack from Chaos, pirates, and xenos. Unable to hold off the multiple threats themselves, and be allowed to rebuild, the Mechanicum brokered a deal with the Angels of Vengeance. If they offered protection when needed they would allow them recruitment from their world and would supply them with all they would need. Be it armor, weapons, vehicles, or ships. This has lead to a very beneficial relationship. The Titan houses of this Forge World are ready, willing, and eager to fight alongside the Angels of Vengeance. This has lead to some great victories, and discoveries, that other Magos Dominus envy.
Desperation is a desert world and is aptly named. The local population live a rough, often brutal and short life. Yet this makes for some of the hardiest warriors. Several Chaplains can trace their recruitment back to this world.
Notable Battles
In M38 the chapter was forced to gather at full strength to fight off a large Eldar assault on their recruitment world of Asylus. It is unknown why the Eldar assaulted the planet, yet one thing is for certain the Eldar forces were all but annihilated. The defensive campaign of Asylus took three years. It reduced the 3rd Company to less than half strength, and the chapter was reduced to 64% fighting strength at the end of the campaign. Recruit replacements for the 3rd Company were ready at the end of the campaign and were trained en-route while on the 3rd Company Battle Barge Retribution.
It was in this battle that the chapter suffered a significant loss. That of Company Master Beld, Head Company Master of the Angels of Vengeance. His personal banner and his body were taken to the Hall of Honor on Vengeance. Where his body is entombed under his personal banner.
More will be added as time permits.
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