Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hobby Progress Update!

A long overdue update!

College and life have been sucking up a lot of my time. Yet still I have found time here and there to move forward with my armies progress. Be it by an inch or a mile. Still I have the luxury this semester of extra income and the ability to schedule about 8 hours one day to dedicate to 40K and my hobby progress. The progress for my armies is as follows.

Angels of Vengeance

I have finally gone back and painted the additions I needed to since the 7th Edition codex for Dark Angels has been released. Due to the massive bitz dump I got from painting my friends Raven Guard I was able to kit out a few select Company Masters and squads.

Company Master Dominus was without a Storm Shield. I had him with the old 3+ Invulnerable save piece of wargear before, yet since that is no longer in the codex he needed on. This also ends up being cheaper so it really is just a win-win.

Company Master Mandeus had a bit of a problem with his Monster Slayer of Caliban. It broke! So I ended up having to rummage my bitz box for a replacement. Lucky for me with the reorganization of my army I had a few power weapons to spare. This is still an axe, yet now it is much more fitting (cooler looking conversion) than his previous weapon.

Command Squads Medic and Pastor needed to get the latest WYSIWYG additions to them painted. To each squad I added/ changed their makeup to have a Banner Bearer w/ Storm Shield, Apothecary w/ Plasma Pistol, Company Champion, and 2 more Veterans that have Power Swords, Storm Shields, Plasma Pistols, and Melta Bombs. These Command Squads are now equipped to handle a lot of threats!

New Additions!

Company Master Ryedoc, which is the new Veteran Legion Marine from Forge World at the end of 2015. Nothing extra added to him.

Dreadnought Tetricus will be joining the Honored Ancients of the Chapter. A venerable dreadnought (without the rules I just like the model) will fill out and make 6 total dreadnoughts for this chapter. He will be armed with a TL Lascannon as I currently have 4 equipped with Assault Cannons and 1 with a Multi-Melta.

Devastator Squad Corbulo will also be joining the chapter. A 10 man squad armed with 4 Plasma Cannons! With this editions effectiveness of plasma and AP2 weaponry, plus a new way to create firebases via fortifications, this squad will be seeing some action.

Scouts! I was tired of having 2 all metal scout teams with sniper rifles and NOT having them all match. A quick search on eBay and I found a cheap sale of exactly what I was looking for. They have since already arrived, and been based, painted, and varnished.


I have begun painting my infantry. This is a slow process and will require a lot of patience. Yet since I have a day scheduled off to do this I am looking forward to getting the foot sloggers out of the way and into painting other models that better strike my interest.

I have recently redone how I want my armies to be formed. I feel that since I have now bought enough other units the only thing I will be adding to my Deathwing will be more terminators. Be them Knights or otherwise. Now I just need another can of Army Painter Skeleton Bone Primer and I'll be good to go.

New Additions!

KR Multicase storage! Only requiring 3 cases I will be able to store all of this army and then some! I love KR Multicase and I look forward to the cases arriving so that I can better store my Deathwing. I even bought cases anticipating future additions of this army that I have yet to buy.

Forge World Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought! I have loved this model since I first saw it and I knew I had to have one in an army of mine somehow. Well I found a way, and with a MK IV Dreadnought Close Combat arm. The weapon he will be equipped with will be an Assault Cannon.

Forge World MK IV Venerable Dreadnought! Seeing as how my new storage options allowed for 2 more Dreadnoughts I figured "why not?". I really like this model and with the MK IV Dreadnought Close Combat Arm I feel it will be a nice addition to this army while also looking great on the table top.

Other new things!

I've developed more spreadsheets that help to track my army "To Do List" progress. After the new KR cases came in and I moved things into them I noticed a few things that were incomplete in the Angels of Vengeance army that needed to get done. I want to focus on getting on army done at a time, so I've been burning through those things I missed as quickly as I could.

With the Deathwing there is not much more to do yet get to painting and build the new dreadnoughts and the couple of Contemptors I still have awaiting assembly.

With my Nurgle that is an afterthought until after I get my Imperial Guard to where I like it.

With the Imperial Guard I don't know how much is left to do, yet I got some wire so that the infantry's flame throwers could be attached to their backs via magnet. The conversion attempt I did prior did not work out the way I had hoped so now I have to fix it.

As for the Eldar I am selling them. They have sat in boxes for ~10 years and I just don't see myself getting around to doing them any time soon. So I figured I'd rather sell them to whoever wants them.

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