Saturday, May 31, 2014

Raven Guard Storm Eagle Complete!

So in keeping up with the trade with my roommate I finished another model of his that needed painting. This one was one of his two Storm Eagles/Ravens. Here are the pics of the fully painted model below. Enjoy!

I'm happy with the finished product. I wish I could have flushed the white out better, but my roommate is happy with it and that is good enough for me.
EDIT: Something I forgot to add is that the doors on the front and side ramps are the Forge World Raven Guard Rhino doors. The Missile Pods on the wings are from a Polish alternate resin model seller 
Also the whole thing is magnetized. The Crusade Pattern Bolters come off (as shown), the top mounted gun is now chin mounted and can be removed as well as have the weapon swapped out, the Vengeance Launchers, and the tail. All of this is magnetized, by my roommate, mainly for storage and transport.

Hobby Progress Update

This has been a bit of a busy month for me hobby wise. I've been able to get a lot done. Painting up my roommate's two Stormtalons, one of his Storm Eagles/Ravens (magnets are amazing!), my new Company Commander Dominus (updated complete photo to follow), and figuring out how to model some terrain for our gaming table in our apartment.

However I still have one more project left do to and that is for the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge. To complete that I need to paint a squad of Thunderhammer and Storm Shield Terminators. I have my 'before' shot below.

When I'm finished painting them I'll post an update. As well as updated photos of the Storm Eagle/Raven and my completed Company Commander Dominus Stay tuned!


Here is Deathwing Squad Valeris fully painted and based!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Yet another Company Master!

Recently I found a really good deal on the 2008 Games Day miniature of the Space Marine Captain with a thunder hammer (Link). So I've been busy making this new model at home in my Angels of Vengeance army. I really do like the model, and it is really nice to be working with a metal miniature again. Over the past week I've been trying to tackle this guy bit by bit.

The main reason I'm tackling him bit by bit is this is the first model I have tried to paint BEFORE assembling him! Yes after 16 years of being in the hobby this guy is the first. Depending on what model I'm making from now on I might use this method. The amount of detail I'm able to get is far better than what I was before. I'm not sure what took me so long to start doing this.

Since I need to seal him with mat varnish (metal model and all) and let that dry completely before I can move onto new things it's taken me a bit longer to get him done, yet I'm in no hurry. I still have to paint his head, but that's for later today. Below are my work in progress pictures of this currently unnamed Company Master to join my Angels of Vengeance.


Just got done painting his head. Apparently I'm getting faster at this =P There are a total of 7 paint colors used on his head and 1 wash. His eyes were marked with a 005 Micron Pen. If you need to get really fine details these things are AMAZING!!! I tried something new to get the blond hair, and I'm happy with how it came out. Hopefully by tonight I will have everything glued together.


Here is Company Commander Dominus (I finally named him) in all of his fully painted glory!

I really had a lot of fun putting this model together and painting it. Everything on him is metal other than his helmet on his belt and his regular Space Marine Backpack. I used a spare metal backpack I had from my bitz box and it works much better than a plastic one in my opinion. I might go back and touch up his base a bit, but I'm not sure of the 'how' and 'what' with that process. Hope you enjoyed this!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Raven Guard Stormtalons!

So keeping good with my trade with my roommate I'm painting up his Raven Guard army. Here are the latest additions to his army that are now fully painted. His two converted Storm Talons.

Up next is the first of two Stormeagles!