Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Skies are Falling!!!

With the recent progress I've been able to make since my last post in this blog has been quite a lot. I've now run into the issue of having so many projects on my table that I don't know what one to do first. Which is always a good problem to have.

However I've invested in a project I've been sitting on for MONTHS since I didn't have the money until recently. I am now currently working on two custom built Heldrakes! I bought the bits for a couple of the Vampire Counts Zombie Dragon, and a couple of custom bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures. With the plastic card and tubing that I have laying around these guys should look really amazing. Currently I've only built one, yet the only issue I have is finding a way to bulk out the wings so they aren't so think. Yet I'm ok with them not being that thick. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Yet below is the progress I've made so far since my last post.

3 Meltagun Veteran Squads for my Imperial Guard

Rhino, 2 Plague Marine Squads, 5 Chaos Terminators, 10 Shooting Cultists, 20 CC Cultists, 6 Chaos Spawn, and 4 Chaos Lords

Hopefully I'll be able to make significant progress by the end of October on all of my armies. Seeing as how I have nothing left to do for my Dark Angels at this time. 

I'll post again when some more progress is made.

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