... have been highly exaggerated.
So a lot of stuff has happened since my last post. In short life hit me pretty hard. I had to take care of a lot of things and was just unable to hobby at all. School was highly demanding, I moved to a new city, and I've had to reorganize my life all over again. However this is all for the better, and now I have some spare time to be able to focus on hobby progress.
As far as hobby progress goes I have a whole new To-Do List. Mainly due to the release of the new 6th Edition Codex for Chaos, Dark Angles, Tau, Eldar, and now Space Marines. These all are armies I own so there is a lot to do. I've also gained an interest in Forge World models and have plans to get some of those when the finances appear. Yet now I have the proper space and a proper hobby table. Which is awesome. My hobby light for the table should be here sometime this week.
So in my absence things have changed. With that so has the Forge World allowance in games of 40K. This has given me the chance to entertain some new additions to my armies. However some of the rules have changed and don't really sync well with the new codex rules. So I've taken the approach that if it is an outdated upgrade or addition to the unit (Targeting Array for the Tau Tetra) then that's cool and you can still use them. Mainly since you are paying for them. Yet if change has happened to the weapons, Burst Cannon and Grav Gun for example, then the Codex ruling overrides this. So Tau Remora will have an Assault 4 Burst Cannon and the Contemptor Dreadnought's Grav Gun will now follow the new rules from Codex: Space Marines. I also make a point to make sure that these changes are alright with my opponent since it is a grey area. However I have never had an issue with it after I have explained myself.
So with all of this in mind I have new lists of things To-Do and things To-Get. Yet I've now run into a new issue of storage. Hopefully with a little luck and a lot of planning things will figure themselves out. Besides I'm in no hurry and I would rather do this right the first time around.
I'll be updating as I'm able to.
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