Sunday, June 17, 2012

Death Guard Progress

So after a bit of a delay with social life and family stuff getting in the way I finally have been able to get the motivation to sit down and finish some of my Death Guard. So far I have the following painted.

2 Melta Squads
4 Plasma Squads
1 Rhino

While that may not seem like all that much it's roughly half the army. Each squad is 7 Plague Marines strong. That is 42 infantry models completely painted. Plus a Rhino. What I have left to paint I hope won't take too long.

So far what I have left is as follows

1 Deamon Prince with Wings
1 Deamon Prince
1 Chaos Lord with Wings
1 Chaos Lord
2 Obliterators
1 Defiler
4 Rhinos
1 Vindicator

On another note I am a step further in getting the ability to take photos of my minis. I just need to find a lamp for my painting table. Once that is complete the pictures will come flying. Given that school and life doesn't suck up all of my time. Well my break is over I'm off to paint some more Death Guard. I'll update again as soon as I'm able to.

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