As usual college is sucking up a lot of my time. Yet I still need time to relax and do something for me. That is where 40K comes in. As I have stated previously I have been trying to sell my Eldar army as I realized I would never get to it and it deserved to go to a good home. Yet I have over half of it still, and might just dump it all on eBay to get whatever I can for it. Also I have found a wonderful subreddit called r/miniswap and you can find some surprisingly good deals there. It is how I found myself getting additions to the armies I already have. But onto the progress of the armies!
Angels of Vengeance
I thought I was done. I thought I couldn't get any more marines for this army. I thought there wasn't a deal I could see myself accepting that would do that. I was wrong! In going on r/miniswap I found a lot of good deals. Sometimes it was for my Eldar, and other times it was for a trade. Well in doing this whole process I went through some boxes I haven't gone through in years and found a bunch of models I didn't need. In a trade for them I got
- 1 Tactical Squad (Dark Vengeance). All I had to add was 3 Space Marines and a plasma gun Marine and it was full.
- 1 Company Master (Dark Vengeance). He was missing his head so I made him a new one with my bitz box. Gives him a nice distinction to his counterpart.
- 1 Librarian (Dark Vengeance). I am going to have to paint him differently, or try to have him be a twin. Maybe pull off that "Little Horus" joke if possible.
- 1 Limited Edition Powerfist Sergeant. This guy is a web exclusive from 2008. Liked him, wanted him, and bought him. Not sure where I'll put him, but I'll figure that out later.
- 1 Devastator Squad Barden. I thought I was just going to do a 10 man Devastator Squad last post. Then I realized there are not bolter guys in there, just the sergeant. Thinking about it I just when "fuck it" and decided the army should have some Grav weapons in it since there are none yet. Thus Grav-cannon Devastator Squad Barden was born!
I still need to paint everything, yet outside of the Devastators everything is assembled and ready to be painted.
Surprisingly this army also got additions to it. Some were on order and had arrived later this month, others were just surprises. Much like the 2 five man Scout Squads I was able to cobble together from my bitz box from all of what was left over from my trade for painting my friends army. He had a couple of Land Speeder Storms and never filled them with the scouts riding inside. So I punched them out and put them together. They look a little weird, but with the proper placement of some bitz, plastic tube, and balsa wood they look decent enough.
- 3 Ravenwing Bikes w/ Plasma Gun (Dark Vengeance)
- 2 Scout Teams (Five man) w/ Heavy Bolter
- 1 Forge World Dark Angles Venerable Dreadnought
- 1 Forge World MKIV Venerable Dreadnought
I am still chipping away at the painting that is needed to be done here with this army. Still lots to paint here. Yet until I get more primer I am stuck just finishing painting the models in the army that do not have bone colored armor. I'll fix that hopefully before the end of March.
Imperial Guard
So I found a deal that was too good to pass up. A lot of 100+ Guardsmen for a very good price. I didn't think I wanted more guardsmen. I guess I was wrong. Anyways they and a few other deals were bought. I filled out the bitz upgrades already and hopefully will soon be moving forward with this army after the Deathwing. Some reorganization of my Platoon Squads happened, but otherwise it was just a new model here, and a new model there, and now I have another finished squad. The changes and additions are as follows.
- Company Command Squad (Alpha) replace regular Guardsmen w/ Medipack Guardsmen
- Company Command Squad (Beta) Replace current Commander model with new Commander model (Metal Cadian Commander). Add Guardsmen w/ Medipack, kit bashed Master of Fleet, and metal Voxcaster as Master of Ordnance.
- Platoon Command Squad (Alpha & Beta) 2 Guardsmen 1 w/ Heavy Flamer
- 2 new Platoon Squads (Alpha & Beta) w/ Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs, Flamer and Autocannon.
- Platoon Command Squad (Charlie). Officer and 4 Guardsmen w/ Plasma Rifles.
- 5 Platoon Squads (Charlie) Sergeant w/ Melta Bombs, & Plasma Gun.
- 1 Special Weapons Squad w/ 3 Demo Charges
- 3 Special Weapons Squad w/ Sniper Rifles
- 1 Conscripts Squad w/ 20 Guardsmen
As you can see I added a lot of Guardsmen to the army. I have no idea how long this is going to take to paint. All I know is that if I stick to the plan I have now they might not be all that detailed, but they will be tabletop ready and good to go soon. Everything bitz wise needed to make these squads function has been ordered and if it is not here yet it will be soon.
Everything Else
So as you can see I have my work cut out for me. Yet if I alternate painting things to what I'd like to paint or painting something different this way I don't get burned out. I am now deciding on what is next to buy from KR Multicase as they are amazing. I have more storage for my Deathwing than I know what to do with! I over estimated so I'll have to figure something out. I also got a GW Project box to help store my supplies and it is working better than I thought it would. I now just need to get to work on these models and hopefully with no new additions I'll be having a completely painted army (or two!) by the end of the year. Again. I hope.