Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hobby Progress Update!

Recently I've found myself with a lot of free time due to the winter break of college. So I'm using that time as best I can to do all the things I didn't get to do while I was studying. One that is high on my list is get some hobby stuff done.

Just created a white and dark blue airbrush paint / primer for my 40K hobby table. So far I'm happy with how they came out. The dark blue especially. Vallejo model color is absolutely near perfect.
Also got a start on priming the tips of some drop pods for my roommate's Raven Guard army, and my Valkyries / Vendettas for my Imperial Guard /Astra Militarum army. I've had these Valkyries / Vendettas in storage for months now.

I also was able to prime white my priests for my IG/AM army. This is all after I finished painting up my roommates Masters of the Forge part of his army. 1 Master of the Forge with Servo-Harness, 2 Techmarines with Servo-Arms, and 8 servitors two of which have Plasma Cannons.

Here are some in progress pics. Sorry about the potato quality.

The white came out as I expected. I ended up just using a 100 ml dropper bottle and put in 1/3 Liquitex Basics Titanium White mixed with 2/3 water. I leave a little bit of room at the top so I can shake it up. Not sure if adding a BB or two would help with the mixing process or hurt it.

The dark blue came out near perfect. It is the color I wanted it to be, or the best I could expect. However it is a lot thinner than I expected. I am sure I'm going to have to do a few layers of this in certain places if not over the whole model.. Yet this was done the same way as with the Liquitex, only it was a full bottle of Vallejo game Color Imperial Blue. Absolutely no issues with mixing in water with this one. I just think I used too much. Which is fine because I can always add more paint into the dropper bottle. Also this is a test run so I'm really happy so far with the results. 

Hopefully with all the free time I've had lately I'll be updating more often. At least until school starts up again. Oh boy to I have a lot to build and paint =)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hobby Progress Update

It has been a long time coming for this update. Life got in the way. Working full time and taking a full load at College sucks up a lot of my time. However when I do have free time I use it well. Over the Thanksgiving break I got a handful of things accomplished. Mainly my roommate bought a lot to add to his Raven Guard army. Yet in the trade in agreeing to paint them I got a couple of Contemptor Dreadnoughts with weapons! Plus I've found a way to quickly paint his army to where it looks good on the table top.

Also I've bought some new tools. Some have gotten here, and some I have just ordered. Recently I ordered a heat gun for some Forge World orders I foresee myself and my roommate getting here soon as well. Most of these hobby purchases have been to help expedite the completion of my armies now that I know I don't have that much time to focus on them. The rest have been just normal upkeep of new brushes as mine are wearing out, even with cleaning, and some more paint to complete upcoming projects.

As for my armies I haven't made much progress on them. However I did acquire some second hand Valkyries/Vendettas from eBay. Currently in the process of ensuring I have all the bitz I need for them, and magnetizing them. This brings my current total of Valkyries/Vendettas up to 4 for this army. Currently my Imperial Guard / Astra Militarum army can be fielded either as an infantry horde, tank company (with artillery support), or as Air Superiority. As I complete progress on them, and my 4 other armies, I will post updates.

Current progress so far has been:
Scout Team with Heavy Bolter
Landspeeder Storm
Scout Bikers with Grenade Launchers, Sergeant with Melta Gun and Thunder Hammer
2 Tactical Squad Sergeants
1 Tactical Marine

This is what I have left to paint in this batch of priming:

10 man Sternguard Squad with 
- Plasma Gun
- 1 of each Combi-melta, flamer, and plasma
- 1 Marine magnetized with Plasma gun, Multi-melta, and Missile Launcher
- Sergeant with Power Ax

8 Servitors
- 2 with Plasma Cannon

2 Techmarines with Lightning Claw, Servo Arm, and Power Ax

Master of the Forge with Lighting Claw and Servo Harness

The Drop Pods have been painted. However I will be painting the tips of the fins white. They are magnetized to come apart almost completely. Which is really cool and handy for painting them.

Next batch of priming will be another Sternguard Squad and Devastator Marines. After that will be the tanks, more contemptor dreadnoughts, and possibly (certainly) more!  

A couple of months ago I bought a wet pallet after reading up and hearing how awesome they were. I need to say they are awesome. I have had these paints on here for a week and they are still good to use. I may need to add a wet brush to them to get the paint just right. However I'm still learning how to use this properly. Plus some of the paints I have in bottles are 5 years old if not older. So far this has been one of the best purchases I have made for my hobby tools.

Here is the Scout Team:

The Landspeeder Storm

The Scout Biker Squad

Tactical Sergeants and Tactical Marine

Now the whole army is designed to be subdued. To not be flashy, and to have very little heraldry. If there is any to not have it be displayed like it would be on say an Ultramarine Sergeant. This is nearly the opposite of how I paint my own armies so I enjoy the challenge. Also from how I have been painting it seems to be quite easy. Even though I have had to learn a lot of new techniques and tricks to have the desired effect come through. I enjoy painting this army.

I'm also in the process of reorganizing my To - Do list for my projects so hopefully that will help me get better at getting armies accomplished. Hopefully life doesn't get in the way too much. 

Thanks for reading and I hope to have a new update before the end of the year.