Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hobby Progress April Update 2

Here are the painted pictures of my Venerable Dreadnought Jopheil!

Hobby Progress April Update

I was able to make some time in between working and applying for scholarships for college to get my next unit painted for the IC Hobby Progress Challenge. That unit is my second Venerable Dreadnought Jophiel!

I also have gotten my 2 Nurgle Helldrakes primed while testing a new paint for use in my airbrush. Which turned out well enough.

Additionally I have a couple of WHFB armies I've been trying to sell recently and while going through my The Empire army I found some Flagellants that I have now drafted into service as Priests for my Astra Militarum army. I need to find a use for One of the Ten I have, however seeing as how I have over 6k points for my Astra Militarum army I can take 9 of them if I wanted too >=D

Also I've been working on getting my terrain I've had lying around in boxes for years made up for use on the table finally. The process is simple I've just needed the time.

Now to paint Jophiel up, take pictures, post them in an update to this, and to hopefully be able to make enough money to get proper storage for my armies. I'll get more pics of things I've been working on as things progress.