So I've been busy this past month. With a lot going on this past month I'm just now finally able to sit down and paint. Yet now the Plague Marines are all finished based and all, Obliterators are painted, and now I'm moving on to the Rhinos.
I've made a change in the army list due to 6th Edition coming out. I no longer have Chaos Lords they are now Chaos Sorcerers. The new psychic powers were just too good to pass up. Also they didn't go up in cost at all so that is a major plus.
I also upgraded my army cases for my Angels of Vengeance and Imperial Guard armies. I'm hoping to update the Angles of Vengeance army with a few servitors and a Tech Marine with full servo-harness. As for the Imperial Guard I've gone out and added two Demolisher tanks and four more servitors so the Engineseers are now worth taking.
I haven't had the chance to play a game yet, but hopefully soon I can see how much it has changed.