Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Time is here

Well finals came and sucked up all of my time. I wasn't able to do anything 40k related until just recently. However in the time that I wasn't able to post I did find a few things to occupy my time with. I just got everything set up and put aside so that when I did have time I could work on it. That time is now. Below is a list of all the progress I have made thus far.

Angels of Vengeance
- 1 of 2 Assault Marine Squads converted and magnetized to be Vanguard Squads
- 1 of 2 Vanguard Squad options painted. Waiting on the other squads prime to dry completely. This will be completed tomorrow.
- 3rd Drop Pod half way assembled and primed. Now to paint it, put it together and finish the details.

Imperial Guard
- Whole army based and primed. Awaiting paint.
- Magnetize troops for melta and plasma weapon options.

I hope to get to this by the end of the week. Hopefully the army will be completed by the end of the month.

- Whole army primed.
- Whole army basing will be completed later this month.

Whole army should be finished by the end of this month.

- Whole army magnetized.
- Whole army primed.

I hope to finish this army by the end of the month.


- Paint a Devilfish and a Hammerhead. Once done whole army will be finished.


- Decided on paint scheme. Red with Grey. Must figure how how to paint the special squads of the army to fit.
- Magnetize all heavy weapons options
- Basing scheme will be over concrete ruins and/or snow

I hope to get started on this army in a couple of weeks.

My main goal is to be done with my Angels of Vengeance and Tau armies by the end of the month. With good progress into my Deathguard, Deathwing, and Imperial Guard armies. As well as get started on my Eldar.

After these projects have been completed I'm unsure of what I would want to do next. I do have a few themed army lists I have made up for armies that I do not have. Yet only time and money will tell what will happen. As always I hope to get pictures up at some point in the near future.