Thursday, March 15, 2012

Continued Progress

As my time becomes more and more free from the burdens of school work I have had more time to do 40K stuff. Below is a list of the things I have accomplished this week so far. Most have been time consuming, yet most of the hard parts are done. I honestly might be able to get to my Eldar at some point lol.

Imperial Guard
- Whole army primed

- Magnetized units needing them

Honestly I didn't think I would get to my Eldar this year. Yet now that seems like it will happen in all likelihood. I just need to decide if I still want to paint them red or not lol.

More updates to follow.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Progress Incoming

It's been a long week. I wasn't able to work on 40k every day like I wanted but I was able to get some major things accomplished. I was able to prime my whole Nurgle army. As well as prime as much of my Imperial Guard as I was able to. I ran out of spray paint for them lol. Yet now things are coming along pretty well. Hopefully I'll have room on my workstation for my Eldar.

Here is an updated list of what I have gotten complete. (Assembled, Primed, Painted, & Based)

Imperial Guard
- Magnetized turrets on two of my Chimera's (Multi Laser & Heavy Flamer)
- Based 57 new Guardsmen, 3 Commissars, and two Bodyguards
- Magnetized 6 Heavy Weapons Teams
- Ordered Melta and Plasma Guns for Infantry Platoons

- Painted 2nd Pathfinder Team
- Painted Commander
- Painted 4 Shield Drones

It doesn't seem like much, yet these are some pretty big hurdles to get over. Hopefully the painting part doesn't take to long. It would be nice to have some large projects completed. I'll update more as time permits.