With my Imperial Guard I've gotten them working the way I would like them to be, kinda. I know I want a foot slogger list. However the Valkyries will now need to be Vendettas. I just need the long range anti tank power. Even if it does come on after turn one. Yet I've gotten a list put together that I feel will kick ass. I get to test it on Thursday so that will be awesome. I really hope it works out. However I will need to get a Lord Commisar Model for the army. Not a big deal, but it is a Finecast model. I hope that won't suck too badly. Yet for the alternate list I have running I would need 3 Leman Russ Demolishers. That's a lot of money I don't have at the moment. Yet if I ever get the chance I will try it out.
I finally got my Nurgle army up and running. Spent a night building two rhinos up to get it going, but it was worth it. Yet it does have it's vulnerabilities. It lacks long range fire power of any kind. However with a little insight I feel I have it figured out. I'm going to drop a Deamon Prince and the Dreadnought from the list. With those points I'm going to add a Vindicator and a team of two Obliterators. I was going to get another Defiler, but the model is more expensive then the Vindicator and I have nowhere to store it. However if I get the Vindicator (which is cheaper) I do have a place to store it. Also it give my opponent two targets to focus their anti tank on for the first couple of turns. So I hope that investment will be worthwhile. Yet when I can afford to get those models is anyone's guess. School has me pretty busy.
I know what I need to do for my Deathwing. It hasn't changed on what I need, but how it will be distributed around the army has. I hope that it works out well. When I get the chance, and the money, this will be my next army I upgrade.
I have everything I need for the Tau. I just need to do a conversion of a squad, and paint up the bitz needed. However school is sucking my motivation away from doing this, as well as my time. Only a few things to paint and the army will be complete.
As I look at all of this I keep thinking of my Eldar. I fear that 6th Edition will be out by the time they ever see the table. Hopefully by then I won't have to redo the whole army, but I doubt that. Yet only time will tell.
Pictures are a ways off since I don't have the time, equipment, or materials needed to make the photo box I need. All in due time.
I will update again when time permits.